
Cafe 22 - Community Cafe

Cafe 22

Cafe22 is a place where anyone can drop in and receive a warm welcome. You’ll be able to grab a coffee or tea and often a piece of our famous lemon drizzle cake and spend time in a warm and friendly atmosphere with some of our wonderful volunteers. Some people come with friends but often people arrive wanting to meet new people – Café 22 is a great place for both!

Cafe 22 is open on Monday Mornings (except Bank Holidays) from 9.30-12pm and operates on a donation basis. (Pay what you like!)

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Kirkby Storehouse (Foodbank)

Kirkby Storehouse Foodbank

The Ashwood Centre is the home of Kirkby Storehouse (Foodbank) which seeks to serve residents of Kirkby-in-Ashfield. The Storehouse is an initiative facilitated by Kirkby Churches Together. We serve coffee and tea. We aim to offer support and have a friendly team of volunteers who want to help and signpost people to services that could benefit them depending on their specific circumstances.

We operate a referral process, to ensure that the right people are able to benefit from the foodbank provision. However, everyone is welcome to come along and you will be asked a few questions privately to help us understand your circumstances and see if you are eligible to use the Foodbank. Depending on circumstances we are able to provide an emergency food service for a three week period.

The Storehouse is open every week on Tuesday 2– 3pm. (*except changes at Christmas)

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Seesaw Toddler Group

Seesaw Toddler Group

Tuesday and Friday mornings (term time only) are two of our favourite times of the week because it’s Seesaw!

Seesaw is our busy thriving toddler group for all the little ones and the adults who bring them! The Ashwood Centre becomes a place of play, fun and conversation! We regularly have over 50 children with their parents, grandparents or carers – if you’ve never been you can only imagine what that looks like! During the morning there is lots to do including craft activities, a story time, snack time and we end with singing time where the children can grab instruments and join in. Our fantastic “Soft Play” room is also open for most of the morning. Seesaw is a free of charge playgroup for pre-school children, however people who come love to pop a donation into our “friendly piggy box” which goes towards the costs of refreshments, craft materials and general running costs.

We love meeting new children and parent/carers – you will receive a very warm welcome when you arrive. Seesaw runs through the kindness and dedication of a small volunteer team. The team wear badges, so feel free to speak to anyone if you have any queries, and if you would like to find out more about being part of the team please contact us.

Venue : The Ashwood Centre on Tuesday and Friday mornings* from 9.30 – 11.15am.

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