
At Ashwood, we strive to create a culture of care and to support people pastorally to the best of our abilities. Some issues however are so complex and deep that they may require additional support.

If you’re unsure of where to go, here are a few ideas. This may be for you or someone you’re supporting, but we hope you find it useful. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for more information.

Adult Mental Health

ACC - Association of Christian Counsellors

ACC - Association of Christian Counsellors is a great place to look, whether you’d like face to face counselling or online, there should be a counsellor that’s suitable for you.


Samaritans: If you need to talk to someone who doesn’t know you or your situation, this is a useful place to go. You can ring their number and speak to someone who will listen and not judge! They also have a self help app that helps you to cope, feel better and stay safe in a crisis.


SHOUT to 85258 in the UK to text with a trained Crisis Volunteer with crisistextline.uk.

They also have some really useful bits about understanding anxiety and other mental health issues


Harmless is a charity that helps you or someone you love that is struggling with self harm. They have some really useful information and can signpost you to the support you need.


child bereavement uk

Child Bereavement uk helps you talk to your child/ren about death.

parenting for faith

Parenting for Faith helps you talk to your child/ren about death.

Loss and Hope

Loss and Hope offers webinars and support for those who are grieving.


Sands is a safe place for you to grieve and to find support whether you are a parent, sibling, grandparent, NHS professional or friend. Sands exists to reduce the number of babies dying and to support anyone affected by the death of a baby, before, during or shortly after birth, whenever this happened and for as long as they need support

General Wellbeing

mind and soul

The Mind and Soul Foundation offers information about navigating different struggles/situations in life as a Christian and includes a wide variety of topics.


Calm is a free app to download that provides techniques for sleep and stress reduction.

What's Up

What’s Up? Is a free app to download that provides Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)-based support to help people to cope with Depression, Anxiety, Anger, Stress and more.

5 Ways of Wellbeing

5 Ways of Wellbeing is a free app that reminds you to look after your wellbeing.

You can reflect on how well you connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give and track how well you think you’re doing.


SAM is a free app to download that helps you to understand and manage anxiety through self-help exercises and private reflection.

Debt Advice


Christians Against Poverty (CAP) have some really useful stuff on their website, helping with developing a budget, making your money go further, debt advice and even help finding work.

Pay Plan

PayPlan can also offer help and advice online or on the phone.

Children's Mental Health

Green Lane

Green Lane Counselling and Psychotherapy work with children and young people in a variety of settings and offer affordable rates!

Callums voice

Callum’s Voice is a great charity that works specifically with young people with autism and mental health issues.


Nott Alone Is a brilliant website that provides local mental health advice for help for young people in Nottinghamshire. For all involved in the suffering of a young person with loads of topics and resources.


Be U Notts is a free Mental Health Service for children and young people. Their free counselling options offer a safe and comfortable space for children/young people to talk about their feelings, whether it is with a professional counsellor or other people like them.



Betel UK-are an amazing charity that support those struggling with addiction and a deep desire for recovery. They have a base at Nottingham and are transforming lives through peer-led, caring Christian community and skilled work.


Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Cocaine Anonymous is another great support system for those struggling with addiction is. There are a variety of meetings held on different days and times all over the Nottinghamshire area

Care for the older generation

Age UK

Age UK have a list of approved businesses/traders in your local area. If we or someone we love is vulnerable, it can be especially important to find a trader (e.g. electrician/plumber etc) that will be reliable and not take advantage!

Our Centre

Our Centre is a registered charity that is based in Kirkby offering transportation for the elderly. They offer wheelchair hire and can transport individuals or groups.

Premier Community

Premier Community is a brilliant charity that provides a range of services from care (personal care, home help, companionship care, overnight stays etc and has a range of mobility aids available to purchase).


Carers UK

Carers UK is a great organisation that is the voice of carers and fights to obtain better support for carers. They talk on their website about what your rights are, what you are entitled to benefits wise, helplines you can contact and looking after your own wellbeing, which is so important when you’re looking after someone!

Alzheimers society

Alzheimer’s Society have helpful information and a dementia support line you can ring if you are a carer, are affected by dementia yourself or worried about a diagnosis.

Admiral Nurses Helpline

​Dementia UK helps families face dementia in all sorts of ways. Under the “Dementia Helpline” on this website, you find:

Admiral Nurses are specialist nurses developed by dementia UK who help people living with dementia stay independent for longer and support the people caring for them. Admiral Nurses work in local community services, GP practices and NHS hospitals, care homes, and hospices.

Pilgrims Friend Society

Pilgrims’ friend is a Christian website with some brilliant resources about understanding dementia and supporting loved ones.

Dementia Frank and Linda's story

Dementia; Frank and Linda’s story by Louise Morse is an absolutely brilliant book! It combines personal stories with insights from different caregiver professionals with medical insights and a window into the caregiving sector, intertwined with spiritual support.

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