Vision and Values


Our Mission

“Helping People Find and Follow Jesus”

Our Vision

“To be a Spiritually Healthy Growing Church for all ages”



We are passionate about making people feel welcome! All generations, and from many different backgrounds. We aim for an excellent welcome, particularly for first time guests to our Sunday meetings or any other event or activity. We are building a culture that integrates people from all backgrounds into our church family, as we find ways to welcome everyone. From young to old, and all different cultures.


We are on a journey to become more like Jesus - loving God, loving people, as the church family. Growing means we can’t stay static! Everyone is involved in supporting and encouraging each other to become the best versions of ourselves. We want to grow both as individuals and as a church, as we see new disciples added. We are aiming for a church that is all in it together – heading in the same direction. We want to be bold and brave with high faith expectations.


We value people! Building intentional relationships with new and existing members which are open and honest, where our default position is that we believe the best about people. We want relationships built on grace and honour which allows us to build an atmosphere to grow deeper relationships through love and kindness. We value friendship and seek to be generous in everything we do – including our time, treasure and talents. This means we give financially and serve one another passionately. We want to develop more emotionally healthy relationships; having deeper levels of accountability and vulnerability, having emotional authenticity, embracing feedback and speaking well of everyone.

Jesus centred

Ashwood Church will be firmly rooted in Jesus. Developing the spiritual health of the church is a priority. That means prayer will have a high value - both personally and corporately. We aim to “Pray First” every time we meet together in any setting. We are more than just a club or organisation – we are worshippers of the King of Kings! Hence worship and revelation through the Holy Spirit and the bible are right at our core. Jesus is therefore the centre of our worship and our role model for Godly living – which makes following Him together as a community such an adventure.


We want to be fully rooted in God but also fully rooted in our community and our world - bringing Jesus to those living around us with our actions, our lifestyles and our words. We want to see more people coming to know Christ as their Saviour and Lord, and that means always being prepared to go beyond ourselves and our walls to meet people in the place where they are. We want to be creative in the ways we bring the gospel message to our friends, families, neighbours and community.

Spirit and Word

We believe that the Christian Bible is not just an ancient book (or collection of books!) but the words of God relevant for us today. We also believe that the Holy Spirit of God wants to empower Christians today to live our best lives and transform us to become more and more like Jesus.

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