Ashwood Centre

The Ashwood Centre is a place for the people – a church and popular community centre at the heart of Kirkby in Ashfield since 2001. This vibrant community hub, with a café, toddler group, youth activities and church meetings welcomes hundreds every week. It is also a venue for hire by individuals, clubs, agencies and organisations which provide activities, opportunities and services to the community.

The Ashwood Centre

The volunteers have cultivated a warm and welcoming atmosphere at The Ashwood Centre, and the pleasant, clean and bright areas add to this sense of well-being throughout the building.

The Ashwood Centre offers a large main hall, a meeting room, multiple smaller rooms for hire at competitive rates. All hires include use of the kitchen.

The Ashwood Centre although easily accessible by bus and train, has a private car park designated for users at the rear of the building.

If you would like more information or details of how to book a room. Please contact

Eco Church

Eco Church

At Ashwood, we are committed to becoming more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We believe this reflects God’s love for his created world, and our desire to live in a positive relationship with the world he created. We believe that looking after our climate also shows love and responsibility to our global neighbours.

As part of this commitment we are part of the ECO CHURCH initiative, organised by A Rocha. Eco Church is designed to equip churches to express care for God’s world through worship and teaching; in how they look after your buildings and land; in how they engage with local communities and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of their congregation.

In 2018 we were able to gain the BRONZE and in 2022 the SILVER Eco Church award as a recognition of our efforts in this area. We will continue to implement the things we have put in place for our Silver award and as we look at a new building we will work with the architects to ensure our new building is more sustainable, helping us to gain our Gold award. If you would like to find out more about Eco Church please visit

The Ashwood Church and Community Centre Building Project

Ashwood Church and Community Centre Building Project Image

In 2002 Ashwood Church created a charity called Ashwood Community Resource (ACR) to buy and renovate the current Ashwood Centre on Portland Street. We created a multi-use community centre where community groups could meet and Ashwood Church could make it their home. In 2018 the two charities merged, and ACR dissolved and ownership of the land and building became Ashwood Church’s. We have 20 years of experience working with charities and community groups and believe we have made a difference in the local community, and still continue to. The current Ashwood Centre has been assessed for sustainability over the last few years, and we have come to the conclusion that a rebuild of the centre is desperately needed, and a vital place for the community of Kirkby in Ashfield and the wider area.

We hope you can be part of our journey towards our new facility in Kirkby-in-Ashfield.

We want the new Ashwood Centre to be:

  • A place where parents/carers/other family members can receive training and support in bringing up children
  • A place for the glory of God and to reach more people
  • A centre for prayer and worship
  • A place where God’s presence dwells. We could describe it as a “thin” place between heaven and earth
  • A place where people can grow spiritually in the Christian faith
  • A safe place people can call (their spiritual) home
  • A place for all generations today and in the future
  • A place where people can find value and purpose
  • A place where the lonely can feel safe to meet other people
  • A place where families can be strengthened and find healing and support if needed
  • A place where children and young people can learn and grow in a fun environment

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